Shenzhen Angell Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Angell Technology Co., Ltd. is a global leader in the production of advanced medical equipment. With a long history of innovation in diagnostics, Shenzhen Angell Technology Co., Ltd. has supported General Medical Italia Ltd in developing advanced imaging technologies to improve the accuracy and efficiency of medical diagnostics.

Visit the Shenzhen Angell Technology Co., Ltd. website

I.M.D. International Medical Devices S.p.A.

I.M.D. International Medical Devices S.p.A. is a provider of high-quality medical solutions, focusing on innovation and sustainability. Thanks to the partnership with I.M.D. International Medical Devices S.p.A., General Medical Italia Ltd can offer products that meet the highest quality standards and are designed to integrate easily into healthcare professionals' workflows.

Visit the I.M.D. International Medical Devices S.p.A. website

UK Medical Imaging Co.,Ltd.

UK Medical Imaging Co.,Ltd. is a financial investor that provides support to foster the growth of General Medical Italia Ltd in the international market. Their contribution has been crucial in expanding our operations and continuing to innovate in the field of medical technologies.

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If you are interested in collaborating with General Medical Italia Ltd, either as an investor or an industrial partner, contact us to find out how we can grow together and contribute to the future of medical diagnostics.